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> Superbowl Commercials 2012, The Good and The Bad
post Feb 7 2012, 12:31 AM
Post #1

That guy that you know does what!

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I'll start with this one, seeing as how it's a follow up to last years 'big one'.

I like this ad. But I do think they should have left it as a stand alone, and not try and link it in with the Vader commercial from last year. Seeing all this 'Vader talk' after the ad just kinda reminds you that the one last year was huge, and this one is kind of 'meh' in comparison.

This ad is cool from an idea and a visuals point of view, but is missed the point so hard.

The keep going on about having reinvented stuff, but to be honest, all of the reinventions are just as stupid as the 'reinvented' Camry. It's still a boring, safe, lame car. It looks new, but that's it. The reinvention ideas are cool, but just as unrealistic and stupid as the Toyota. Funny, but a fail imo.

I love this.

Hyundai America does cool ads, and I think this is one of them.

On the other hand, here is one that's kinda lame.

Cool but pointless ad by Audi. The car is f*cking gorgeous though!

I like this ad. But I like the line "It's coming" more than anything else right now!

Couple of other cool ads:

Chev Silverado "Apocalypse"

Bud Light "Weego"

I love this. A proper feel good ad.

And lastly, some hatred. I think this Matthew Broderick 'Ferris Bueller' ad sucks, hard.
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